NEW LOOK!! Great Script for the newbie or Advanced IRC chatter. It has a lot of things like personal/channell protection, seen/ping system, etc. One of the best bosnian scripts, please download it. This script features the latest mp3 player by Serates. Yes it is back Reggae script and new and improved. Tons of features including Password Protection, 3 Levels of Ops, Whois Logging, Clone Detector, Bad Channel Detector, Shitlist, and a miriad of other features too numerous to mention.Ī channel OP bot with tons of features including password protection, 3 levels of ops, whois logging, and a miriad of other features. The complete personal channel protection bot for all your channel management needs, Multi level, easy to use, For the noob or advanced scripter.Īnother in the STuDBoT series. The NEW BernerBot, (Version 3.0) the Complete, Easy to use Channel Management bot, For the n00b or advanced scriptor :) Commands following the highly successful stormbot.tcl make the bot easy and fun to use. Read all about the rest, then try the best! download and try Brutal iCeStorm today! you will not regret it! Sponsored by Freedomchat Enterprises mIRCStormV1.1-ChannelĪ easy to set-up, easy to run eggdrop alternative. InfoBloot is a fully functional mIRC factoids bot with most of the commands and functions of InfoBot.Ī compilation of some of the best mIRC scripts ever to hit ! It has just about everything in a script that you could want. It is services-like IRC bot that has an access system for users and operators, channel commands such as OPME, KICK, BAN and is very useful for managing channels without services. Older versions of mIRC, including the first public release, are also available.